
traduccion en ingles

The electricity in the state or rather bolivar bolivar city ’has been presenting various flaws or defects due to a natural phenomenon called the child.
The child: In climatology is called El Niño climate syndrome, cyclic erratically, which is a change in the patterns of movements of air masses causing consequently a delay in the kinetics of ocean currents "normal" triggering the warming of the South American waters, causing havoc worldwide, affecting South America, Indonesia and Australia.

The name "El Niño" is due to fishermen from the port of Paita in northern Peru that found that the waters of the Peruvian current system or Humboldt Current, which flows from south to north off the coast of Peru and Chile, heated at the time of the holidays and shoals of fish or fled south, due to a warm current from the Gulf of Guayaquil (Ecuador). This phenomenon was given the name El Nino, the Child Jesus.

The scientific name of the phenomenon El Niño Southern Oscillation (El Nino-Southern Oscillation, ENSO, for its acronym in English). It is a phenomenon with more than eleven thousand years of climate history.
This has resulted in a number of drawbacks Bolivar state because the electrical power failure caused a riot in which some problems arise.
Such as:
* Damage to electrical and electronic equipment.

* faults in networks of banks
* light failures at home and others
These above-mentioned shortcomings have not stopped since 15/11/2009
Up to hour staffing of the electricity companies have been unable to return to normal current flow but will continue trying no matter how long it takes to make repairs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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